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Hamilton Trust Summer Mathematics Research Internship 

General information
The School of Mathematics has resources to support a modest internship programme in the summer. The programme takes place over a period of six week, culminating in a poster session for participants display their research. Maths, TP, and Joint Honours Maths undergraduates from years two, three, and four as well as any visiting Exchange students can apply for this programme. It is envisaged that for the whole period of the programme interns will work on a research project in maths under the supervision of a member of staff (the main condition is that the project has mathematical content; supervision by TCD staff members outside School of Maths is in principle permitted (e.g. School of Computer Science and Statistics, or School of Physics), or be designed with a real life application as an end goal.

Internship Information Session
The information session about the internship was held via Zoom on 23 February 2023 at 6pm. You may find the slides for this information session here.

Financial support
Due to a generous gift from the Hamilton Trust, the School of Mathematics is able to offer moderate financial support of €900/€1575/€2025 euro for 1/2/3 person project.  

The Internship Period
The internship period is planned to take place between June 10th and July 21st.  There will be seminars on June 10th and 11th and also on July 17th and 18th in a gong talk format. Every student is required to give a talk in the first two and the last two sessions.  Students should meet with their research supervisors regularly according to a schedule arranged between students and supervisors. There will also be a poster session on July 19th at the end of the internship period.

Application Process
It is believed that research internships are of potential benefit to all students, not just those with the strongest exam record, and the selection process will not rely on exam marks, however the quality of actual proposed projects will be taken into account when making the final decision on funding. Typically students should inquire directly to potential supervisors to see if they have a project they would consider supervising. 
Once they agreed on the topic of the project, they should register their interest through the online application form in which the applicant(s) will be provided an avenue to upload a PDF file with a short (up to one page using font size 11) description of proposed research project. 
Please apply by 5pm on Friday 22 March 2024. Late applications will not be considered. Applications will be processed and selections will be made as soon as possible thereafter by the selection committee.

Sample Proposal
Potential applicants can view a sample proposal to get a sense of the structure a one-page proposal should take for the summer internship.

Publicity Consent
It is important for the Hamilton Trust, Trinity College Dublin, and The School of Mathematics to publicize the running of and output from the Hamilton Trust Summer Internship Programme. This entails the possible use of names of interns and as well as photographs of participants engaging in internship activities.
If your project is selected to run this summer, then it will be necessary that each member of your group fills out and signs a form indicated whether or not their name and/or image may be used when publicizing activities related to the internship.
You have the right to refuse consent to use your image or name in publicizing the activities of the internship. Furthermore, if you give consent in this form, you may later revoke that consent.
You will be asked to give/refuse consent to the use of your name and image for publicity of the internship when applying.


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